Dr Mr Rudd,
We, the undersigned Australians, are willing to help reduce the effects
on our atmosphere from our fun-loving, carbon-emitting lifestyle. But
before you go running off and telling the rest of the world that we’re
all ready to swap topside for tofu, please be aware that we, as
Australians, would like you to consider the following:
1) Try and make as little as possible from the Australian taxpayer.
Philip_B of Perth
2) Don’t powder-puff the issue, show real leadership and guts, for those who follow us in generations to come.
Barry H
3) Not sign any treaties that will allow other countries to impose fines
or expect large payments from Australia for missing so called emission
targets. We dont want you committing Australians for generations to come
for something which other countries wont commit to and especially a
scheme such as ETs which is still nothing but A PIE IN THE SKY. A treaty
of this nature was never a part of your election platform and you have
NO mandate to commit us to it.
MD of The Bush
4) Grow a backbone Mr Rudd and lead the world in exposing the scam that
is man-made global warming. Ignore the constant fear-mongering based on
the results of computer modelling and look at the raw data.
5) Any agreement HAS to include Europe, USA, China and India.
Kimbo of Perth WA
6) Please instead of a TAX on us, why doesn’t the govt invest in
renewable energy. Why not make coal power illigal??? I will support you
fully if you say that we will run off solar, nucular or wind power.
Kim of Sydney
7) Fund science and build new industries and create jobs, prosperity and
a sustainable system to be inherited proudly by future generations
Blitz of Sydney
8) Make it a Carbon Tax instead of using credits to dilute the impact.
The EPA in Australia is ready to go now. Tell the world to get their own
EPA and do the same. Cheaper alternative!
michael of Potts Point
9) Don’t try to preen yourself at this feel good forum at our expense.
Jim of Perth
10) We need a PRS not an CPRS. PRS is a Population Reduction Scheme. The
Planet is already overpopulated by a factor of 5 to 10. Earth cannot
sustain a poulation of any more than 1 Billion so any talk of of
limiting C02 is just nonsense - it will never solve the problem. Why do
we need 6 Billion+ people and growing? Until the leaders of the World
grow up and start discussing the real problem - overpopulation - we are
just wasting our time.
P. Darvio of Sydney
11) The polluter pay system provides the only incentive for business and government alike to actively reduce pollution levels.
Matt of Brisbane
12) If you sign us up for the ETS payments we can’t afford, make sure
somewhere in the fine print there is a clause for when we become third
world we can crank up those old coal fired power stations and have other
countries pay us. Smokin’
Concerned of Northbridge
13) Even putting aside our rampant consumerism, can we please put some
REAL limits in place to slow and hopefully stop pollution?
Pauline of Brisbane
14) Want CO2 Emissions exempt.
Scott of Sydney
15) In view of some of the startling material revealed in the Leak OR
Hack of the CRU in England await the results of an OPEN AND HONEST
16) Please Mr Rudd watch this video before you leave for Copenhagen
Bob Atkins.Horsham Victoria.
17) Please come back from Copenhagen with no deal on anything and at the
same time provide the Australian People with your resignation.
Kalgoorlie Kid of Kalgoorlie
18) Every day and night in every Australian city there is either a
brutal bashing or Murder of our citizens. WHY is there no outcry we
just except this day in day out and all we see is words and headlines in
the news, we should not tolerate this at all. This is a real issue not
Global Warming.
callen of 3207
19) Don’t sign anything on my behalf, you little four-eyed commie!
steve of moonee ponds
20) Please point out that going greener creates more jobs. People making
wind turbines, recycling plastics etc. And that regardless of global
warming, living a little greener makes our surroundings nicer and our
resources last longer.
21) Bring in electric powered cars for the everyday public use. Road
side or car park recharge stations. In fact deal with China for cheap
affordable electric commuter cars. The big car companies can either
compete or vanish. Get rid of our dependancy on oil companies.
Lee Mazengarb of Sydney
22) Show our grandchildren that humanity can work together so that all humans can have a best possible future.
Eddie of Melbourne
23) If we loss any-more species of flora or fauna we have lost the
battle. I have faith in you Mr Rudd and know you and Penny Wong will
give it your best.
judith of brooklyn park sa
24) Belief in human caused climate change is just that. There is NO
proof. Rudd, you are going to sign Australia up to a world-wide cult if
you sign Australia up to this. Why don’t you join Scientology? It’s a
CULT too!
25) I herby declare that if MR Rudd or Malcom Turnbull hide a global tax
on me in the form of a Carbon trade, I will vote for any viable
independent (sorry greens (reds). Rudd you already sold us out along
with the CSIRO, BOM and the ABC.
Michael, Adelaide
26) Dear Mr Rudd,Why is it that we have to pay more tax and distribute
this to the rest of the world when as a nation of 20 million, our
current output per square kilometer is one of the lowest in the world.
Is it not more more sensible to promote the opportunities of current
technoligies, solar, wind, geothermal,water tanks etc. and reduce the
tax on these items so the vast majority can implement these within their
housholds, or is it that by creating a carbon trading scheme there is
political and finacial motivation. Would it not be better to become
world leaders in alternative technoligies which are more sustaniable
than to allow corporations to dictate the terms and conditions of the
situation. We as Australians should not be subject to fundamental
developements which allow self interested corporations and governments
to dictate and dominate policy within this country. We should be
utilising all means possible to achieve pollution reduction not increase
taxes and costs so others can benifit in the short term.There are
better ways!!
MM, Melbourne
27) How about pushing for a Carbon Emmissions Reduction Scheme based on
the individual, rather than companies. I suggest a scheme where a
‘carbon price’ is placed on items such as electricity, fuel, paper, and
groceries, based on their carbon emmissions. Issue individuals with an
amount of carbon credits (say 10,000), which they can spend how they
like on these items, just like currency. They can sell off their unused
credits to make a monetary profit on an ebay style exchange either
online or at Australia Post, encouraging a reduction in carbon
emmissions. If they exceed their limit, they must buy extra credits,
costing them money. The government could then reduce the amount of
credits issued to individuals by 3-5% per year, therefore increasing
demand for a scarce resource and making it more expensive to exceed
carbon allocations, and also more incentives to reduce as the price for
selling rises.This would allow the free market to work, while giving
individuals extra incentives to reduce their emmissions. It may cost a
little more, but I’ll bet it will be 10 times as effective, and a lot
more popular with the public. Give it some thought Kevin.
Brodie, Hobart
28) Don’t you dare sign any agreement on my behalf before discussing it
with everyone in the country. People can barely afford to live now, and
you want to suck up to other world leaders so they think your a good
guy. Please somebody stop him!
Deborah, Gold Coast
29) Mr. Rudd, don’t sign away our rights, freedoms and futures. Don’t
burden we average Australians with even more taxes. If we sign up at
Copenhagen, then we will not be the forerunners or the morally righteous
leading the world on to a brighter future. We will be laughing stock of
the world. Who in their right minds signs up to something that is truly
half-baked? We have no clear indication of what our commitment will
mean but worse… we will have no mechanism to protest or negotiate once
the true consequences are known. We will effectively become the slave
state of a World Government. There is no turning back. There is no ‘out’
clause. We will have signed away rights given us by our constitution
without having a referendum. How can this be? America has it’s Benedict
Arnold. At whom will future Australians direct similar venom?Much better
to fully understand the commitment and be able to live with the
outcomes than achieve some paltry degree of prestige for being the first
lemming. Copenhagen signals the first definitive progression towards
one world government. Climate control may be the issue (it may not, but
lets not debate that) but the real outcome is much more to do with
global control and power than it is to do with global warming.You do not
have a mandate for this. You are a passing figure in today’s politics
and you have no right to condemn all future generations of Australians
to the unknown and uncontrollable demands that Copenhagen represents.
Flabbergasted, Sydney
30) Rudd your a fool ! dont sign us upto something until USA, China and
India agree to go ahead otherwise its a useless and a very expensive
exercise for NOTHING!
Brad, Caringbah
31) KRudd please when in Copenhagen be mindful to point out that
Australia recognises that Climate Change is real, however mans influence
in that process is the stuff of fancy and fiction. Point out that some
over zealous scientists are just scaring the world to get some action
and attention. p.s. Inform everyone that Australia will be closed for
business after the introduction of an ETS - unless the other world
leaders know of a better way that does not destroy whole economies.
Dean McQuillan, Findon
32) Our way of life and food production is dependent on energy supply
and water. Coal and oil resources are limited and due to run out within
the century. Alternative energy resources are required which can either
be renewable or perhaps the most energy dense substance on the planet –
Thorium. Our future energy supply coincidently also tackles the issue of
carbon. However when it comes down to the fundamentals, the primary
cause of the destruction of the environment is due to too many people.
Population growth continues to outstrip worldwide food production and
available water resources. In addition population expansion also results
in the extinction of other species for which we share this planet.
Corydora, Wollstonecraft
33) Has anyone mentioned the Australian Constitution yet? The Australian
Constitution is law and it states that any acknowledgment of
allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power warrants
disqualification from office.Is
Dr Who, Sydney
34) Stop listening to the economists! Now that you can see what a mess
of things the economists have made, why don’t you try listening to the
SCIENTISTS, the only ones who really know what they’re talking about
with respect to climate change.
Eva, Brisbane
35) Renewable energy generators will never generate enough energy to
replicate themselves. Renewable energy is a con.The ETS will affect the
poorest the hardest as it will increase the price of everything. A quota
system which, would be much fairer and more effective, has never been
Harry C, Adelaide
36) URANIUM is the short term answer, the rest is jaw plappin bulls..t!
Michael Chorney
37) Take a solar powered hair dryer
TC, Vietnam
38) Dear Mr Rudd,Could you please bring back a photo of the Price and
Princess and some cheeses if it’s not too much trouble.Thanking
Rutgar, Sydney
39) Mr Rudd, Could you please listen to reason. Listen to the people
that voted you in and exercise a little patience. Without going into the
climate change debate, just think about the interests and voices of the
country BEFORE signing us up to another tax. The world has been around
for millions of years, and will probably be around for millions more.
Why rush a decision that is going to be a more fundamental change to the
Australian economy than the GST was. I think Australia, the world, and
the climate can wait a few months while this issue is properly debated
and agreed upon not only by the government but by the people of
Mathew, Sydney
40) Mr Rudd, Its time to really focus on climate change.What do I mean
by focus on this? Well thats simple, actually look at the issue and
discuss with people other than your advisors. MAKE THE PROCESS
TRANSPARENT AND IN THE OPEN. You know as well as I that your advisors
are only interested in keeping their jobs, its about time you show us
that you are in fact the leader you puffed yourself up to be and not
just another politician looking for fame and glory.
RasputinDelProfundo, Clayfield
41) Simple, I want them to solve, or at least make a dent in Climate
Change without it effecting residential and small business electricity,
food and natural has prices please Mr Rudd. Furthermore, I don’t want
Australia to do it until China and India have also done it.
Andrew Jones, Country NSW
42) Go and enjoy Mr Rudd, but don’t think that the Australian public
don’t know what is going on.If you continue to increase the average tax
payers output and don’t increase their input, not only will you have an
increase in the homeless to contend with you will have what America
has.. The middle and lower class struggling to keep their heads above
water. I believe in this whole SAVE THE WORLD crap but my main focus is
to raise my 2 children, work, eat , pay my mortgage, all bills while
trying to keep my head above water. Please don’t sink the hard working
Australians by trying to save the planet. It wont work
Jade, Springwood
43) Mr Rudd, you may look and act like the milky bar kid, but they are
not your milky bars to give away...... Kevin07, Recession09. Don’t give
away the farm in Copenhagen.
44) Drop the whole thing, get your UN job some other way.
45) Dear Mr. Rudd, Before you go to Copenhagen, please obtain an
estimate from the States as to the cost to Australia that feral animals
have caused/are causing to our native Australian fauna/flora say for the
years to 2015, 2020 & 2050. Then go to Copenhagen & tell the
conference that you are going to spend this amount of money on
dramitically reducing the feral animal problem in this country. You will
find that by drastically reducing the numbers of feral animals such as
buffalo, camels, pigs etc the reduction in “gases” generated by these,
will more than compensate in monetary terms for other gases that you
intend to reduce at a ridiculous cost to the Australian public.
Animal Rush, Coowonga
46) This is far too important to rush through the senate in time for
Copenhagen. Lets have a double referendum, Climate Change and Border
Faye, Melbourne
47) Be bold, be brave, be far sighted. Create green jobs! We want
Australia to be a better and greener place for our kids. Even if there
is no climate change, doesn’t it make sense to create renewable energy
resources instead of our current fossil fuel dependency? And while
you’re at it, let’s talk about how the planet is supposed to support its
burgeoning population!
Lemonaid, Perth
48) Stop using the word consensus when it comes to science. Science is
not about consensus it is about fact. Either climate change models are
correct or they are not. If one fact comes to light that cannot be
explained by the current models then they are incorrect, not by
consensus are they correct.Prove Climate change with good science not
shoddy computer models then everybody will have no choice but to
Dovetree, Qld
49) Kevin, Spit the bone out you are on the wrong course as usual , the
major impact to Australia is Water not so much Pollution , it would be
grand to have an ETS in graduation and I am all for that, however focus
on the real issue of Water now..
First Geoff of Sydney
50) Remove stamp duty and registration fees for electric cars. Make
electric car purchases by business 50% tax deductable in first year.
Government additional rebate for trade in cars more than 10 years old.
Solar panels on houses to have full depreciation over 5 years and new
house construction to have mandatory solar panels. All this to be paid
for with increase in petrol tax and registration of petrol cars/trucks.
Please take this list of suggestions from your people and present them
to the most important person at COP15 as a matter of national urgency.